Work    Info

Connor Fleming
Creative Direction & Design



Bitfury is a leading emerging technologies company whose mission is to make the world more trusted and secure through the bitcoin blockchain.

By completely rethinking their brand identity from the ground up, Ogilvy485 helped signal Bitfury as the blockchain industry leader with game-changing technologies that make the world work better for everyone, one bit at a time.


Brand Architecture
Brand Audit & Strategy
Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines
Campaign Creative
Print Materials
Web Design Direction


Rob Jamieson
Damon Lockett
Gabe Usadel
Connor Fleming

Christian Matts

Laura Masse

Ogilvy Chicago

CD, Copy
Senior Designer

Motion Design,
Beast NY

Global Consulting Partner


Connor Fleming is a creative director and designer with 12 years of experience working in branding and advertising. He’s currently a Design Director at FCB Chicago as part of The Design Group.


Connor is a design leader who strives to lead by example and understands creative work is a team sport. At FCB, he helps lead strategic visual design projects for our clients with a specific focus on the health and wellness sector.

In his 12 years of experience, he’s helped build visual identities and brand platform systems for globally recognized brands and nonprofits, partnered closely with in-house client teams, helped win new business, and contributed to award-winning work. Above all, he’s been fortunate enough to work alongside and learn from some of the best people in the industry.

Curious by nature, he enjoys being a generalist who does a little bit of everything in his work — graphic design, branding systems, art direction, type design, digital experiences, motion design, and illustration. He believes simple, thoughtful design with strategic intent can solve problems for organizations, build relevant brands, and create meaningful connections.

Projects he’s been a part of have been recognized by industry award shows and publications, including: Cannes Lions, D&AD, One Show, Clios, London International Awards, Communication Arts, and Best of Ogilvy.


FCB Chicago

Design Director

Ogilvy Chicago

Design Director

Senior Designer


Production Designer

Junior Production Designer


BFA in Visual Communication Design
University of Dayton


Absolut Vodka
Morton Salt
Mrs. Meyer’s
Northern Trust
SC Johnson
Tyson Foods


Alliance for Peacebuilding
City of Chicago
Change The Ref
Chicago Fire Department Foundation
Chicago International Film Festival
Les Turner ALS Foundation
Parents Guide to Cord Blood Foundation
Steppenwolf Theatre


Art Direction
Books & Editorial Design
Brand Guidelines
Brand Strategy
Brand & Visual Identity Design
Campaign Creative
Concept Development
Design Research
Design Team Planning
Digital Experience Design
Film & Photography Creative Direction
Packaging Design
Presentation Design
Print & Digital Production

Awards &

Cannes Lions / 2023 / Brand Experience / Silver

Cannes Lions / 2023 / Brand Experience / Shortlist (x2)

Cannes Lions / 2023 / Direct / Shortlist (x2)

Cannes Lions / 2023 / Outdoor / Shortlist (x2)

Cannes Lions / 2023 / PR / Shortlist

Cannes Lions / 2023 / Industry Craft / Silver

Cannes Lions / 2023 / Design / Shortlist

Cannes Lions / 2022 / Outdoor / Bronze
Cannes Lions / 2022 / Industry Craft / Shortlist (x3)
Cannes Lions / 2021 / Design / Bronze
Cannes Lions / 2019 / Outdoor / Shortlist (x3)
Cannes Lions / 2019 / Print & Publishing / Shortlist (x4)

Cannes Lions / 2018 / PR / Shortlist (x2)

D&AD / 2023 / Direction / Wood Pencil
D&AD / 2023 / Direct / Wood Pencil
D&AD / 2023 / Direct / Shortlist
D&AD / 2023 / Spatial Design / Shortlist
D&AD / 2023 / Experiential / Shortlist
D&AD / 2023 / Outdoor / Shortlist
D&AD / 2022 / Experiential / Wood Pencil
D&AD / 2022 / Writing for Advertising / Shortlist
D&AD / 2021 / Digital Design / Shortlist
D&AD / 2020 / Press & Outdoor / Shortlist

One Show / 2023 / PR / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Direct / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Out of Home / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Film & Video / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Cultural Driver / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Experiential / Merit (x2)
One Show / 2023 / Design / Merit (x2)
One Show / 2023 / Out of Home / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Branded Entertainment / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Integrated / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Film & Video / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Direct / Merit
One Show / 2023 / Design / Merit (x3)
One Show / 2022 / Out of Home / Gold
One Show / 2022 / Out of Home / Bronze (x2)
One Show / 2022 / Print / Merit
One Show / 2022 / Experiential & Immersive / Merit
One Show / 2022 / Branded Entertainment / Merit
One Show / 2021 / Experiential & Immersive / Silver
One Show / 2021 / Digital Craft / Bronze
One Show / 2021 / Interactive & Online / Merit
One Show / 2021 / Creative Use of Data / Merit
One Show / 2021 / Social Media / Merit
One Show / 2021 / Design / Merit (x2)
One Show / 2021 / Integrated / Merit
One Show / 2020 / Out of Home / Merit (x2)
One Show / 2020 / Print / Merit
One Show / 2018 / PR / Gold (x3)
One Show / 2017 / Design / Merit

Clios / 2023 / Print & OOH Craft / Gold
Clios / 2023 / Film / Silver
Clios / 2023 / OOH / Silver
Clios / 2023 / Film Craft / Bronze
Clios / 2023 / OOH / Bronze
Clios / 2022 / Print & OOH Craft / Silver
Clios / 2022 / Print & OOH Craft / Shortlist
Clios / 2022 / OOH / Bronze
Clios / 2022 / Direct / Shortlist
Clios / 2022 / Other / Shortlist
Clios / 2018 / PR / Bronze (x2)

Clios / 2018 / PR / Shortlist

Clios / 2016 / Brand Design / Bronze

LIA / 2023 / Non-Traditional / Silver
LIA / 2023 / Non-Traditional / Bronze
LIA / 2023 / Non-Traditional / Bronze
LIA / 2023 / Design / Bronze
LIA / 2023 / Design / Bronze
LIA / 2023 / Online FIlm / Finalist
LIA / 2023 / Billboard / Bronze
LIA / 2023 / Billboard / Finalist
LIA / 2023 / Design / Finalist
LIA / 2022 / Branded Enterntainment / Silver
LIA / 2022 / TV/Cinema / Silver
LIA / 2022 / Ambient & Activation / Bronze
LIA / 2022 / Ambient & Activation / Bronze
LIA / 2022 / Billboard / Bronze
LIA / 2022 / Design / Bronze
LIA / 2022 / Branded Entertainment / Finalist
LIA / 2021 / Creative Use of Data / Silver

LIA / 2021 / Creative Use of Data / Bronze

LIA / 2021 / Design / Bronze

LIA / 2021 / Non-Traditional / Bronze

LIA / 2019 / Selected for Creative LIAisons Program

LIA / 2018 / Design / Bronze
LIA / 2016 / Design / Finalist

Communication Arts / 2021 / Advertising Annual 62
Communication Arts / 2021 / Public Service
Communication Arts / 2018 / Advertising Annual 59
Communication Arts / 2016 / Design Annual 57

Best of Ogilvy / 2022 / Volume 13
Best of Ogilvy / 2021 / Volume 12
Best of Ogilvy / 2018 / Volume 9
Best of Ogilvy / 2017 / Volume 8

Boy Scouts of America / 2008 / Eagle Scout


Chicago, IL, USA

Resumé / CV is available here.

© 2024 — Connor Fleming